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Lunascape Orion 6 : New 3 Engine Browser | Blogoware

Lunascape Orion 6 is the newly released browser, officially claimed to have stable version and powered with three engines, which means three browser power. Yes the Lunascape Browser combines the speed the of chrome & safari (Made on Webkit) + stability of Firefox (made on Gecko) and Internet Explorer compatibility(Trident Power).
Orion has many interesting features but the most enticing feature to me was the engine shifting during  in runtime. Yes, we can shift the engine of browser according to wish.  Programming Firefox: Building Applications in the Browser
I still wonder, how many non-technical user ever thinking of changing the a engine ? Nevertheless, Far as other top browser like Google Chrome is concerned, due to sleek look & high-speed Google chrome is gaining huge popularity, but stability of Firefox is still ruling the market. With the launch of Google Chrome Extensions, Firefox is challenged.

On the other hand, keeping these rivals aside, Orion is claimed to have high compatibility with huge collection of add ons offered by Firefox and Chrome. Look at the Video to know more about Lunar Orion 6.

Download Orion 6 Browser here

PS : TechBuzz, Image Credit:  Orion


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