Chetan Bhagat launched his new novel Two-States few week before. Two-States is story of a couple, a boy from punjab and a girl from south india , who struggles and fight for the survival of their love. Critics, quotes that novel sounds like film script. While Chetan Bhagat claim this book as narrative of yet another day to day inter-community wedding with its sheriff clashes and the boy and girl attempts to convince both families. This novel is about his personal life love marriage and struggle he made so far.
The subject is an advantage since you will breathe as sigh of relief that your love story did not have struggles and either way book seem to have good reader connect. However, Critiques state that book lacks fresh perspective, the story is predictable and so are the character like nagging mother, a strict father and young and restless son. Reader like Anuradha on her blog writes that this book engage you initially but early enough you can predict all most all their reactions.
The subject is an advantage since you will breathe as sigh of relief that your love story did not have struggles and either way book seem to have good reader connect. However, Critiques state that book lacks fresh perspective, the story is predictable and so are the character like nagging mother, a strict father and young and restless son. Reader like Anuradha on her blog writes that this book engage you initially but early enough you can predict all most all their reactions.
Yet people say, like most of Chetan's book, the narrative of two states is dialogue based and hence simple. Well, though chances of high sell of book are not so bright yet the chances of getting converted into film are pretty high. (Monetized novel writer - smart move Chetan). I personally had not read the book yet, I am waiting for amazon to officially sell this book in USA and allow me to accrue my review of book in this post.
Thanks for quoting me
your welcome, FYI- I am following you and inspired by you. Me too book bug !!
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